Part I - Girl meets Boy
Psychology says that people's need to always be in control is most likely rooted in a traumatic experience that left them feeling helpless and vulnerable. It wasn't exactly clear when Astrid became a fastidious, OCD-stricken individual, but her strict habits, the hard-on for cleanliness, penchant for organization and order earned her the title of ‘mom’ among her friends. An observer may have called her stuck-up, she called it "portraying your soul in your surroundings, because how can your mind be at peace when your room is a mess?" Astrid lived on the fifth floor of a lush-green, well-maintained apartment complex, surrounded by ginormous trees as far as the eye could see. She was fiercely protective of four things - her clothes, boots, books, and personal space. But there was one person who never had any trouble breaching/borrowing any of those - her roommate Dana. Astrid was pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology and Dana was a penulti...