
Showing posts from 2024

I watched Poor Things. I'm not sure why.

Perfumed with Obsession

Every year, my allergies get worse during a certain time of the year, which is usually the time when winters start to recede. I don’t exactly know what I’m allergic to, but every time I broom my house or get stuck in a traffic signal longer than 120 seconds, the smoke and the dust start to get to me. It results in a mild-to-headache triggering sneeze-fest and makes my palms itchy and sweaty. I also react very badly to men’s strong-smelling deodorants.  But his fragrance was different. I could tell he’d taken pains to apply it because the scent filled the entire living room the moment he entered my home for the first time. I liked it - not just him in my bed beside me, but the scent that lingered in my sheets long after he left. I made no secret of how incredible the scent was, and he told me it was a Calvin Klein fragrance. I have the hots for good-smelling dudes, bite me. We snuggled in my tiny bed in the shade of my bedside lamp, and watched Disney’s ‘Soul’. Later, we did what he

From the archives [Jan 22, 2022]

  If you follow the internet and aren’t completely living under a rock, you must’ve heard about this viral hashtag  #WestElmCaleb on Tik-Tok. Apparently, this 6 feet-something white male on an online dating site has dated half the women in New York. I wonder if Sex and the City took place now, would he find a mention in Carrie’s lame-ass blog. Don’t get me wrong - SATC was revolutionary for its time - but without the legendary Samantha Jones, it’s just a twenty-minute crib fest. Anyway, just to give you a very brief background into the fiasco, Caleb, who dated all these women, would first love-bomb them [act extremely affectionate, showering a person with gifts, compliments, the whole shebang] and then ghost them. Caleb works at West Elm, a furniture store in New York that has, ever since become a part of the trending hashtag. I cannot imagine how it must’ve become for the poor dude who, until now had a really good thing going for him. Apparently, the first woman who uploaded the video