Beginnings & Ends

My obsession with the glory of days gone by prompted me to get myself a polaroid. So I got one. Here's the very first baby I captured.

Initially, I planned on just posting the photo and not get all philosophical about it, but old habits die hard, and here I am boring my non-existing audience to death.

Okay, frankly speaking, if I didn't mention that this was a sunset, you couldn't really have known whether this was a sunrise or a sunset...

.......exactly how you and I can't tell whether something ending is ending for good or if it's just the premise of something even better.

Whether us shitting all over the planet and messing with the climate is taking us to our doom, or is it just laying the background of something even majestic(or both)?

You decide.
"Einstein said time is relative, right?" - Miles Morales


  1. To beginnings and ends, over and over again


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